Free PDVL Test Guide and Summary
Just took the PDVL Papers 1 and 2 today, and passed both on my first try, hence I would like to share with my readers some tips on how to pass and study efficiently for these 2 papers.
As I was under the Uber Fastlane programme, I did not have to pay for any course materials or the first try for the tests. (However, as we all know... Uber just got sold to Grab and now it's really messy)
I took the one day course and the tests at ComfortDelgro.
During the one day course, my course instructor was really helpful - thanks Mr W!
They will also provide you with 2 books, the Private Hire Car Driver's Vocational License Training Course (PDVL) book and a Supplementary Reading Material book.
This blog post is merely a guide with summaries of the important learning points and will not guarantee that you will pass the test.
I am not liable for any failures or payment of your retest fees! This guide is just a supplement and, you MUST do the following:
1. Self-study of at least 4-8 hours by reading the 2 books (intensive memory work)
2. Do the mock tests on until you are able to consistently get 95% and above
Do remember that the passing marks for the actual tests are
40/50 for Paper 1 and
43/50 for Paper 2.
In the PDVL book,
modules 1 to 5 are tested in Paper 1, and
modules 6 and 7 are tested in Paper 2.
I will now highlight some important points for each module/paper, which are common test questions that either myself or my friends have encountered either on the actual test or at
Paper 1
Module 1 - Highway Code and DIPS
Traffic Signs:
Take note of the shape/colour of all signs and their purpose.
Sample question(s):
What are mandatory road signs?
What does a mandatory road sign look like?
Road markings:
Memorize where stopping OR parking is allowed, and at what timings if applicable.
Sample question(s):
What is the penalty for parking on a double yellow line?
If a customer asks me to stop at the full day bus lane when it is 7.30am, what should I do?
Parking on the road side with continuous double white line at the centre of a two way road?
If I have a wheelchair bound customer, can I stop him/her at a bus stop?
Zebra Crossing:
Slow down to 20km/h
Beacons flashes from 7pm to 7am daily
Whether you can stop on white zig-zag lines.
Sample question(s):
What is the penalty for stopping in a zebra crossing controlled area?
What is the penalty for failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing?
What is the penalty for failing to give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing?
Driver Improvement Points Systems:
Offences 1 to 11 - Stationary offences
Offences 12 to 25 - Moving offences
Offences 23 + 24 - Expressway
Remember "369" for parking within 3/6/9 metres of a fire hydrant/junction/bus stop is $70, no demerit points
Setting down passenger at unauthorised place, $130
28 days to pay for summons
Notice to attend court, admin charge $20
Failure to attend court, warrant of arrest
General speed limit of tunnel 80km/h
Dangerous driving/causing danger to other road users, 6 points $150
Exceeding speed limit of vehicle OR road
1-20km/h, 4 points $130
21-30km/h, 6 points $150
31-40km/h, 8 points $170
41-50km/h, 12 points + court action
51-60km/h, 18 points + court action
>60km/h, 24 points + court action
Tip for remembering demerit points:
3 points = $120
For every additional point, + $10
EXCEPT when driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users - 9 points $170!!
For 12 points, only not conforming to red lights is $200.
Any other offence that awards 12 demerit points, is liable for court action/jail.
Sample question(s):
What is the penalty for parking abreast of another vehicle?
What is the penalty for parking within 6 metres of a junction?
What is the penalty for forming up incorrectly when turning left or right?
What is the penalty for stopping on the carriage way of an expressway?
Driving while using a handphone and not having both hands on the driving wheel constitutes to?
What is the penalty for failing to stop a vehicle close to the edge of the left-hand side of the road?
What is the speed limit for silver zones? (40km/h!!!)
Paper 1
Module 2 - Road Safety
This module is more of common sense, so do your reading and the mock tests so that you will be able to identify the wrong answers.
Sample question(s):
When driving through a narrow road, you should.....
When driving through a junction, you should....
Can you drive against the flow of traffic to take a shortcut under the instruction of passengers?
What is a good driver?
What is road safety?
Paper 1
Module 3 - Healthy Living
Take note of the acceptable BMI range
What happens when your BMI is above 23kg/m2 (risk of developing weight-related diseases)
How to bring BMI down (engage in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week).
Sample question(s):
What is the acceptable BMI range?
Identify which BMI range is at risk of developing weight-related diseases.
High Blood Pressure:
Memorize the definition of high blood pressure
Remember which number is systolic and diastolic BP (systolic/diastolic eg. 140/90). Remember 140/90 as high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack/stroke/kidney disease.
Where blood pressure readings can be taken (at home too!)
How to reduce blood pressure.
Sample question(s):
If my blood pressure reading is 130/80, which is systolic?
Which blood pressure reading has high blood pressure?
What can I do to reduce high blood pressure?
What are the risks of high blood pressure?
What is high blood pressure?
Memorize the definition of diabetes
Remember the types of diabetes and which type children/adults are more prone to. Memorize the symptoms of diabetes
How to reduce diabetes
Sample question(s):
What is diabetes?
Which type of diabetes are children more prone to?
Which of the following are symptoms of diabetes?
What can I do to reduce diabetes?
Used by the body for producing hormones, protecting nerves, building new cells. Cholesterol level high = can cause heart disease.
Overall cholesterol level has to be below 200mg/dL, affected by age, overweight, family history.
HDL is GOOD cholesterol, removes excess cholesterol and prevents cholesterol build up in the blood vessels. Acceptance level 40-60mg/dL
LDL is BAD cholesterol, can build up in the inner walls of arteries which may cause heart attack/stroke. Acceptance level <100mg/dL
Triglycerides is a form of fat in your blood that is used by muscles as energy. High levels can increase your risk of heart disease. Acceptance level 100-150mg/dL
Sample question(s):
Which is good cholesterol?
What is HDL/LDL/Triglycerides?
What is the acceptance level of HDL/LDL/Triglycerides?
What can I do to reduce cholesterol?
How many glasses of water should you drink in a day?
Paper 1
Module 4 - Excellence in Customer Service
This module is also based on some common sense.
Costs of operation for Private Hire: Car rental/cost of car, Parking/ERP, Medisave, Fuel
No street hail
Car should have no dust and no odour
GST = Greet, Smile, Thank you
Sample question(s):
What are the operational costs for Private Hire Car Drivers?
There are a lot of taxis in the taxi queue, waiting for passengers. What should I do?
What should you ensure when driving your passenger to the destination?
To provide good service, I must ensure that....
Effective communication is...?
Paper 1
Module 5 - Keeping Singapore Safe from Terrorism
This module is also based on some common sense.
2 types of terrorism, domestic and foreign
Purpose of terrorism
What can you do as a licensed professional chauffeur (takiung note of what questions passengers ask), be alert
Police Hotline or ISD (1800 2626 473)
Sample question(s):
What must you do if you notice a suspicious person around your vehicle?
What is the ISD hotline number?
What are the 2 types of terrorism?
What is the purpose of terrorism?
Paper 2
Module 6 - Rules and Regulations
This module is also based on some common sense.
Min. requirements to apply for PDVL (age, number of years of driving experience)
Licence validity period 3 years and to renew it's $40, refresher course every 6 years
Documents needed for PRs and Work Pass (PR - Employment letter, Work pass - Employment letter + Conduct letter)
Health checkup frequency for 50-64 years is every 2 years, for 65 and above is every year
Duplicate license fee $10
Must always display license at a prominent area
Change in address, notify Registrar within 7 days of change
Operation hours for Normal Bus Lane 7.30am to 11pm BUT CANNOT pick up or set down passengers from 7.30am to 9.30am and 5pm to 8pm, apart from those timings, it is ok to pick up/set down passengers.
Cannot pick up or set down pasengers on Full Day Bus Lane from 7.30am to 8pm.
General Suspension Order made when 3 or more affiliated drivers have been convicted within 12 months.
Offences, pickup/set down within CBD - $130.
Parking/stopping at taxi stop or taxi stand - $50 first time, $80 second time.
Smoking in your car, first time $200, second time $500
Allowing a passenger to smoke in your car, first time $1000, second time $2000.
Any other offences, $50.
Sample question(s):
What is the validity of the PDVL?
Within how many days must I notify the Registrar of my change of address?
What documents are needed for a Work Pass holder who wishes to apply for PDVL?
How often must I take a refresher course for PDVL?
If my private hire car booking service operator has been served with a general suspension order, am I able to drive for another operator or am I suspended too?
What should I do when applying for a replacement license?
What should you do when you have left your PDVL at home?
What is the PENALTY for ............?
Paper 2
Module 7 - VLPS
A lot of memory work needed here for the demerit points and fines, do take note. Here's a link to the list of offences in VLPS and Module 6
Purpose of the VLPS
6-10 points = 2 weeks suspension, 11-15 points = 4 weeks suspension, 16-20 points = 8 weeks suspension.
21 points = license revoked.
Demerit points will be cleared if you maintain a clean record for 24 months from the date of the LAST OFFENCE.
My summarized guide to remembering the VLPS Scheduled Offences:
21 points + COURT ACTION
Driving a car for Uber/Grab when the car is not licensed to do so
Doing Uber/Grab with an expired/suspended vocational license
Allowing someone with an expired/suspended/no vocational/driving license to drive your car for Uber/Grab
Street hire (Plying for hire)
21 points + $500 + LICENSE SUSPENDED (remember, minimum 6 points to get suspended)
Allowing someone else to USE/possess your vocational license
Driving Uber/Grab with a car with no decal OR you personally remove the decal
12 points + $500 + LICENSE SUSPENDED (remember, minimum 6 points to get suspended)
Driving Uber/Grab with a car whose decal is not properly fixed, defaced/obscured/altered/illegible/discoloured or tampered with
Pasting a decal on a different car than the decal was originally authorized/licensed for
5 points + $200
Having/using someone else's vocational license
Causing hurt through carelessness or wilful misbehaviour
Verbally insulting, intimidating or harassing a passenger, SEXUALLY
Early termination of trip with no valid reason before conveying passenger to destination
3 points + $100
Not allowing Registrar/authorised officer to examine your car
Not surrendering your vocational license when suspeded/expired
Verbally insulting, intimidating or harrassing a passenger NOT SEXUALLY
Sample question(s):
Under the VLPS, what is the penalty for ..........? (every single offence can and will come out)
If i have 5 demerit points, am I still able to drive?
How many weeks am I suspended for if I have 10 demerit points?
If someone is suspended for 2 weeks, how many demerit points has he attained?
What happens when a driver has a clean record for 24 months?
What should you do when you noticed that the car you are renting has no tamper-evident decals?
Assuming you rented a car and drove off, only to realize there was only 1 decal, what should you do?
Are decals transferrable?
When are you required to return your PDVL?
You received a call from your family to attend to an urgent matter. What should you do?
You received a call from your friends to attend to a NON URGENT matter. What should you do?
If you're going to take the test soon, don't worry!
You have an hour to answer 50 questions.
On average, I finished it in 15 minutes, but spent another 15 minutes to double check my answers.
Hence, just keep doing the online mock tests and there should be no issue for you to complete the test in time.
However, if you do fail, don't fret, as you are usually able to book for a retest date as soon as 1-3 days later.
Remember to MEMORIZE the TP demerit points system as well as the VLPS demerit points.
Those are more of the killer questions, because if you don't memorize and the question comes out, it would be tough for you to guess the answer, as compared to the more common sense kind of questions.
I've come to the end of my summary.
If anyone would like to contribute to this blog post or if you spot any mistakes, don't hesitate to reach out to me at
There's also a discord group for Uber/Grab enthusiasts, with constant updates on parking rates at different locations, PDVL help, and to talk about anything!
Of course, I've spent quite a few hours collating all the content into bite-sized bits and sharing with you my tips and memorizing guides.
If you think I've helped you to save on some retest fees, or if you are feeling generous and thankful, you may donate to me at